lincoln chiropractic clinic



If you suffer from headaches, you understand just how debilitating they can be. Whether it starts in your neck, the base of your skull, behind your eyes, comes on with stress or dehydration or you have specific allergens or food triggers, we understand the frustration of being prescribed an anti-inflammatory or muscle relaxer or other drug to cover it up, only to have it come back just as strong next time. At Good Life Family Chiropractic, we focus on addressing the cause of your headaches. We will take the time to find and address any stressors that could be leading to decreased blood or CSF flow, pinched nerves, muscle spasms, or nutritional deficiencies causing your headaches. Your headache may be a common occurrence, but it definitely is not normal. Take advantage of our special offer to start addressing the cause today!

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Neck Pain

Whether you struggle to check your blind spots while driving, have trouble looking up or down, or are just dealing with muscle spasms and trigger points in your neck and shoulder, we know your pain! When your spine gets stuck out of its normal alignment, it creates stress in your brain that makes living life more stressful and difficult - literally a pain in the neck! That stress will create muscle spasms in an effort to self correct, however if the misalignment is too much to overcome, the issue can become chronic and degenerative, making it more likely to cause you distress. If you are sick and tired of just masking the pain with pills, potions and lotions, come take advantage of our special offer to get to the root of your neck pain.

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Low Back Pain

Does your back hurt? Whether it is worse first thing in the morning, keeps you up at night, or just keeps you from living the life you want to live, know that you are not alone. Back pain is the number one most common cause of disability worldwide. While you could take a pill, potion, or lotion to mask your pain, why not address the cause of the problem? If you've developed a misalignment of the spine, it will create muscle spasms and neurological stress in an effort to self-correct. However, if you've been dealing with these issues for more than a few days, it is very likely that the underlying cause has become a chronic issue and the root needs to be addressed. Take advantage of our new patient special and let us help you get to the cause!

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Are you looking for relief from sciatica? If you get pain down the back or side of your leg, very likely it is coming from one or more of these three things: 1) piriformis syndrome, 2) a bulging disc, or 3) a pinched nerve. While piriformis syndrome is very rare, for those individuals whose sciatic nerve pierces the piriformis muscle, physical activity can result in significant discomfort. Ensuring that your spine has optimal alignment and nerve function can help your piriformis muscle maintain ideal function. Oftentimes sciatica can be an indication of a disc that is bulging or wearing thin. Our corrective protocol can help to restore proper function of the disc while allowing it to rehydrate and repair itself through our noninvasive therapies. While bulging discs can lead to pinched nerves, they are not the only cause. Spinal misalignments, arthritis, neurological stress, and inflammation can all contribute to sciatic nerve pain. An evaluation to determine the specific cause of your pain can take you a long way to starting down the path to healing.

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Pregnancy Chiropractic

Being pregnant can be one of the best and most joyful times of life, but it also comes with a lot of change. Even if this is not your first pregnancy, the changes that your body goes through to create a new person, often lead to physical stressors that add up quickly. Whether it is added baby weight, shifts in how you sleep, changes in how you carry yourself throughout the day, new cravings, or just coming to terms with bringing a life into the world, these changes can overwhelm your system. Signs of this can be as benign as a sore low back, an increased frequency of headaches, or as painful as a bout with sciatica any time you have to get on your feet. Oftentimes misalignments in your hips and pelvis due to these changes can lead to an inability of your baby to flip into the head down position as the time comes to give birth! Chiropractic care during pregnancy can help you and your baby better adjust to the stresses of pregnancy. Dr Jake is Webster Certified and continues to further his expertise in helping pregnant moms and their babies. Take advantage of our new patient special today! Exam, digital nerve scan and 2 adjustments for just $49

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Pediatric Chiropractic

Babies and little ones can be such a blessing, but the growing spine often undergoes stresses that our children cannot communicate to us. Whether your child is dealing with regular ear infections, digestive issues, bed wetting, frequent sickness, severe allergies, or you are just wanting to make sure their spine is growing and developing well, Dr. Jake is certified and equipped to help the whole family with gentle and specific chiropractic adjustments to make sure their spine stays in alignment, creating an ideal environment for health and well being! Take advantage of our new patient special today! Exam, digital nerve scan and 2 adjustments for just $49!

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